domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

Travel Enjoy and Respect

To be a responsible traveler is to adapt to the lifestyle of the place thas is being visited; is to experience customs and traditions. In my case, it is a passion that gives meaning to my life, not only because it allows me to discover and respect the diversity of our world, but more impotantly, alows me to discover myself.

As I travel, those strange customs gradually become mine, and suddenly, my home is where I am at every moment, sharing the way of life, respecting and caring for the environment and its people, and contributing in various ways to the economy of each place. 

For those who don't have the opportunity or the courage to venture as I did, I deciced to share my experiences in this blog that I will start feeding again. I understood the value of being a digital nomad. To describe a place or an exotic dish in a magical way, allows the reader to savor the adventures, generating an expectation. 

My compromise is to raise awareness of the contribution of sustainable tourism for the development and economy of all nations.

#TravelEnjoyRespect  #IY2017 

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